Ryan is a big fan of gingerbread cookies so we went to the library for a special reading of "The Gingerbread Man" followed by cookie decorating & eating. I was the only mommy that let my child decorate the cookie all by herself~ but Ryan was so proud of her creation and so was I ( even if she put the gingerbread man's eyes on his feet ) It's the creativity that counts!
Ryan loved picking out & decorating the Christmas Tree this year. She especially likes the lights and her painted ornaments that she made for the tree.
Auntie Jenny, Uncle Sadri, Cousin Mattie & Granma Baker came out to visit us for Thanksgiving this year! Ryan had so much fun with her " cousin friend". We went to gymnastics, the park, Children's Museum, and a Holiday Lights Parade. Ryan & Mattie especially loved eating their Thanksgiving feast at their very own kids table. Happy Thanksgiving!