We don't have too many visitors in the summer, but my family decided to brave the heat and came to visit us. It was a busy few days of playing, swimming, and a visit to the kid's museum.
Ryan has been talking about being a "dancing girl" for awhile now so we finally enrolled her in tap & ballet classes at a dance studio. She had a panic attack the first class when she found out that moms are not allowed in the big girl 3 year old class. Now she loves it & I'm so proud of my dancing girl!
Happy Birthday Daddy! Ryan was sooo excited to celebrate Daddy's birthday~ I'm thinking this excitment had something to do with the fact that there was cake involved.
Jason & the girls got me an Ergo baby carrier for Mother's Day and I love it! I don't know how I didn't have one of these when Ryan was a baby. I had always heard such great things about the Ergo, and it is amazing! I think I've worn it every day.
We went to the children's museum 2 weekends in a row... Ryan enjoyed crafts, painting, & racing cars. Sam is starting to enjoy the museum~ she lounged on pillows in the baby room & "played" with blocks.
Two of the things that we miss the most about California is the beach and Wahoo's ( and our friends & family of course) :) We spent our last day in CA at the beach. It was too cold to swim, but Ryan loved searching the tidepools and playing in the sand. Then we had a yummy lunch at Wahoo's. It also happened to be cousin Mattie's 3rd birthday so we had dinner at Mattie's favorite place, Chick fil a, and surprised her with birthday cake at Grandma & Grandpa Baker's house.
What trip to California would be complete without a day at Disneyland? Ryan was so excited to go to Disneyland again after our vacation there last July. Her favorite ride is still the "small world boats" and Samantha had a great time sleeping at Disneyland.
We had a whirlwind trip to California a few weeks ago. We spent 1 day in Orange County, 1 day in Alta Loma, 1 day @ Disneyland & 1 day at the beach. Ryan loved getting together with all of her relatives & friends. Grandpa Hall's house was overrun with girls~ there were 6 little girls there! As a side note, I had to include a pic of Grandma Hall holding Sam~ see where she gets her red hair from!
Dyeing Easter Eggs was quite messier this year than it was last year... Apparently when you ask a 2 1/2 year old to gently place the egg in the cup, the word "gently" translates to "throw as hard as you can". We made a mess but Ryan had a lot of fun.